第四届明天音乐节 · 票务信息 4th Tomorrow Festival Ticketing

[ 演出票价 ]

- 套票
   2017.5.17 12:00 截止发售
- 单晚票
   5.18 / 5.19:预售 ¥80;现场 ¥100
   5.20 / 5.21:预售 ¥100;现场 ¥120
- 不设座位,场地两旁有少量座椅可供休息

[ 购票方式 ]

- 预售
   1. 淘宝:https://b10live.taobao.com/category-1311965947.htm
   2. 微店:关注微信号oldheavenbooks,点击下方菜单“微信小店”
   3. 旧天堂书店
- 现场

[ 讲座 & 放映 ]

- 免费入场,座位有限,先到先得


[ Concert Fare ]

- All Pass
   ¥360, 1 T-shirt included
   Available before 2017.5.17 12:00.
- Single-Night Pass
   5.18 / 5.19: Presale ¥80; At Door ¥100
   5.20 / 5.21: Presale ¥100; At Door ¥120
- Open area with several seats on both sides for resting purpose. 

[ Ticketing Methods ]

- Presale
   1. Taobao:https://b10live.taobao.com/category-1311965947.htm
   2. Weidian:Follow Wechat ID oldheavenbooks, click the bottom “微信小店”
   3. Old Heaven Books
   Available before concert day.
- Booking
   Send the following information to midori@b10live.cn at least ONE DAY before the concert: 
   1.Name 2.Phone number 3.Date of the concert 4.Quantity of tickets
   Ticket reservation will be closed 15 minutes before the concert starts,
   please pick up your ticket at B10 Live in time. 
- At Door
   Available from 19:00 on concert day, single-night pass only.

[ Talk & Screening ]

- Free admission with seats allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

* Audience with disabilities may contact staff on spot for prior admission and seating arrangements.


第四届明天音乐节 · 策划人的话 4th Tomorrow Festival Curators' Words

上 车 走 人








策 划 人  C u r a t o r s

涂 飞   T u  F e i    /   滕 斐   T e n g  F e i
