
在B10现场举办过的众多演出中,来自丹麦的音乐家们总能以他们的独特风格,给我们留下深刻的印象。细数下来,B10现场与丹麦音乐人有过不少愉快的合作,包括The Seven Mile Journey、CALLmeKAT、Carl Winther、Girls in Airport、Signe Juhl Quartet等等。

在去年OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节上好评如潮的优雅女伶Sinne Eeg,以及压轴的Emil de Waal + Spejderrobot二重奏,应该也让大家记忆犹新。

Sinne Eeg @ 第四届OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节 摄影: 铁花儿

Sinne Eeg @ 第四届OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节 摄影: 铁花儿

Emil de Waal + Spejderrobot二重奏 @ 第四届OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节 摄影: @UC大人

Emil de Waal + Spejderrobot二重奏 @ 第四届OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节 摄影: @UC大人

第四届OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节结束后,B10现场团队收到DMC(Danish Music in China 丹麦之声)的邀请,参加丹麦的哥本哈根爵士音乐节。我们将于明日启程前往丹麦,希望此行团队能向这个欧洲最重要的爵士音乐节多多取经,发现更多的优秀音乐人并将他们带来中国,也探讨双方音乐节合作的可能性。我们也会参加专业会议,与来自世界各地的乐队、经纪人、厂牌、唱片公司进行交流。

届时,我们将在微博(@OCT-LOFT国际爵士音乐节、@B10现场)与Facebook(B10 Live)上,与大家分享此行的所见所闻。



今年的哥本哈根爵士音乐节将在7月3日至7月15日举行,本届的主形象海报设计师是Julie Nord

今年的哥本哈根爵士音乐节将在7月3日至7月15日举行,本届的主形象海报设计师是Julie Nord

Welcome to the 37th Edition of
Copenhagen Jazz Festival


哥本哈根能够成为欧洲爵士乐之都,还要从上世纪50-60年代说起。一群来自美国的世界顶级爵士乐手来到哥本哈根,并在此落地生根,将爵士乐发扬光大。包括Dexter Gordon、Stan Getz、Ben Webster、Stuff Smith、Ed Thigpen、Thad Jones和Kenny Drew等。他们的精神仍影响着这座城市,并在后辈们的努力之下焕发新的光彩。


The 37th edition of Copenhagen Jazz Festival starts today Friday, July 3. With more than 1200 concerts spread throughout 100 venues in Copenhagen and Frederiksberg, the city manifests yet again that it can live up to its reputation of a diverse and progressive jazz city.

Copenhagen’s legendary status as one of the jazz capitals of Europe grew in the 1950s and 1960s, when a whole host of leading American jazz icons had their creative base in the city (Dexter Gordon, Stan Getz, Ben Webster, Stuff Smith, Ed Thigpen, Thad Jones, Kenny Drew), and that spirit is still reflected and reinvented in the city today.

openhagen Jazz Festival continues to exhibit top international names, and at the same time, manages to reflect the vivid Copenhagen jazz scene that unfolds the genre and offers improvisation, modern jazz, swing and countless offshoots of jazz as an art form. In other words, live experiences for all: geeks and jazz newbies; children, youth and older generations; purists, party people and avant-garde experts. Copenhagen Jazz Festival is open to everyone.

Concert Hall Events Caetano Veloso - Photo: Jonas Pryner

Concert Hall Events Caetano Veloso - Photo: Jonas Pryner

Concert Hall Events and Club Highlights



经典组合Chick Corea和Herbie Hancock二重奏的门票数月前就已被抢购一空;来自巴西的Caetano Veloso和Gilberto Gil,他们则曾是他们国家60年代末期热带风潮革命的代表人物;而最具魅力的,当属由Tony Bennett和Lady Gaga二人组成的“Cheek To Cheek”了,他们将于音乐节中期在Tivoli公园的Plænen举行。

其他的引人注目的大人物包括Dr. John、Dianne Reeves、Brad Mehldau Trio、Salif Keita、Al Jarreau、Jamie Cullum、Rhiannon Giddens、Michel Camilo、David Sanborn和Lizz Wright等。

The top of this year’s program depicts three phenomenal duos. The historical duo appearance featuring Chick Corea and Herbie Hancock has been sold out for months. Another couple of excellent musicians are Brazilians Caetano Veloso and Gilberto Gil, who have been musical ambassadors for their homeland since the Tropicalia movement at the end of the 60s. The third and, by far, most glamorous couple consists of Tony Bennett and Lady Gaga, performing at Plænen in Tivoli in the middle of the festival week with “Cheek To Cheek”. Other international headliners include Dr. John, Dianne Reeves, Brad Mehldau Trio, Salif Keita, Al Jarreau, Jamie Cullum, Rhiannon Giddens, Michel Camilo, David Sanborn and Lizz Wright.

Jazzhouse Tribute to Yusef Lateef - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Jazzhouse Tribute to Yusef Lateef - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

丹麦的爵士俱乐部以及这些一年到头都活跃在现场的组织者们举办了一场场组织精良、引人入胜的国际性活动,而今年的音乐节将被这些名字点亮:Ambrose Akinmusire、Fire! Orchestra、Palle Mikkelborg、Savage Rose、Gary Peacock、Enrico Pieranunzi、Joe Lovano、Miguel Zenón、Kenny Barron、Kirk Lightsey、Vijay Iyer Trio、Charles Hayward、David Liebman、The Thing、Felix Kubin、Nate Wooley等等。

丹麦特色的节目包括Emil de Waal+ Nulle 的“Old News” 带来的开场演出,以及几个新的音乐节项目:出色的打击乐手Marilyn Mazur带来的 “Shamania”;将在Jazzhouse登台的ECM新秀Jakob Bro & “The Songs of Paul Motian”;享誉国际的爵士摇滚三重奏Ibrahim Electric,他们将在腓特烈堡消防站内开演;曾与Keith Jarret合作的著名竖笛演奏家Michala Petri将带来致敬Carl Nielsen的演出——Carl Nielsen是丹麦有史以来最负盛名的作曲家,如果他还在世,今年应该150岁高寿了。

Åbningskoncert Aaron Parks Pressen - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Åbningskoncert Aaron Parks Pressen - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Jazz clubs and the year-round active organizers run a well-made and compelling Danish-international program, which this year is headlined by Ambrose Akinmusire, Fire! Orchestra, Palle Mikkelborg, Savage Rose, Gary Peacock, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joe Lovano, Miguel Zenón, Kenny Barron, Kirk Lightsey, Vijay Iyer Trio, Charles Hayward, David Liebman, The Thing, Felix Kubin, Nate Wooley etc.

Danish special projects include the Official Opening with Emil de Waal+ Nulle “Old News” plus several new festival projects with the great percussionist Marilyn Mazur “Shamania”, ECM-debutant Jakob Bro & “The Songs of Paul Motian” in Jazzhouse, international jazzrock trio Ibrahim Electric to play inside Frederiksberg Fire Station, and a tribute to the most famous Danish composer of all time, Carl Nielsen, who would have turned 150 years this year, featuring the renowned recorder player Michala Petri who has also been recording with Keith Jarrett.

Dørge Becker Carlsen Det Kongelige Haveselskab -Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Dørge Becker Carlsen Det Kongelige Haveselskab -Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Concert themes and Open Air concerts


和往年一样,今年的音乐会也分为不同的主题,以便给观众更便捷的导航。今年的主题有:Jazz by the Sea、Urban World Nights、Jazz at Frederiksberg、21st Century Jazz、Jazz for Kids以及Jazz Remixed。

As usual, the concert themes offer another easy way to navigate the Copenhagen Jazz Festival. This year’s themes are: Jazz by the Sea, Urban World Nights, Jazz at Frederiksberg, 21st Century Jazz, Jazz for Kids, and Jazz Remixed.

Joshua Redman Quartet @ “Jazz By The Sea”, Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, 2014 - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Joshua Redman Quartet @ “Jazz By The Sea”, Kulturhuset Islands Brygge, 2014 - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

在Kulturhuset Islands Brygge举行的“Jazz by the Sea”将在浪漫海景的映衬之下带来9个美妙的夜晚,参演的艺人包括美国爵士明星Bill Frisell、Larry Graham、Jason Moran、Yellowjackets、The Bad Plus Joshua Redman与一些备受丹麦本地推崇的乐手,还有Paulo Braga!而如果你喜爱聆听爵士人声,就不能错过在Haveselskabets Have公园登台的Kurt Elling、Sinne Eeg、The Cabin Project和Tuva Semmingsen。而在Pressen/Politikens Hus举办的“Urban World Nights”系列演出将呈现全新的世界音乐主题,有非洲节奏(afrobeat)、比亚舞曲(cumbia),还有泰国东北乡谣民歌莫兰(molam)等等,包括Orlando Julius和Totó la Momposina等的一众明星将会带来三个舞动的激情夜晚。

“Jazz by the Sea” at Kulturhuset Islands Brygge presents nine great evenings with ocean view, featuring American jazz stars like Bill Frisell, Larry Graham, Jason Moran, Yellowjackets, and The Bad Plus Joshua Redman, combined with a few Danish favorites and Paulo Braga! Deeper focus on vocal jazz can be experienced in Haveselskabets Have with Kurt Elling, Sinne Eeg, The Cabin Project and Tuva Semmingsen. Pressen/Politikens Hus invites to three dance evenings with afrobeat, cumbia and molam under the title “Urban World Nights”, the new world music theme that features stars like Orlando Julius and Totó la Momposina.

Kongens Have Niels Jørgen Steens A-team - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Kongens Have Niels Jørgen Steens A-team - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

免费的户外演出将在Kongens Have、Vandkunsten、Sankt Hans Torv、Balders Plads和Amager Strandpark等场地举行,其中Amager Strandpark是近20个新晋音乐节场地之一。不止这些,在Søndermarken还有为期五天的免费主题演出“Jazz for Kids”;在Niels Hemmingsens Gade会有丹麦本土新锐初啼试声;最后,别忘了在Skuespilhuset’s Foyer的“21st Century Jazz”系列演出,届时将会有多个获奖无数的丹麦艺术家聚集于此,包括Maria Faust、Jeppe Zeeberg、Lotte Anker、Kresten Osgood,还有更多。

Free concerts will take place at the Open-Air venues such as Kongens Have, Vandkunsten, Sankt Hans Torv, Balders Plads and Amager Strandpark, which is one of the approximately 20 new festival venues. There are five days of free “Jazz for Kids” at Søndermarken, a new raw scene with progressive Danish music at Niels Hemmingsens Gade, and last but not least, the concert series “21st Century Jazz” at Skuespilhuset’s Foyer with award winning Danish artists such as Maria Faust, Jeppe Zeeberg, Lotte Anker, Kresten Osgood and more.

Master Fatman Jazzskole @ “Jazz for Kids”, 2012 - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Master Fatman Jazzskole @ “Jazz for Kids”, 2012 - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen






About Copenhagen Jazz Festival




August Rosenbaum Nationalmuseet - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

August Rosenbaum Nationalmuseet - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

哥本哈根能够成为欧洲爵士乐之都,还要从上世纪50-60年代说起。一群来自美国的世界顶级爵士乐手来到哥本哈根,并在此落地生根,将爵士乐发扬光大。Dexter Gordon、Stan Getz、Ben Webster、Stuff Smith、Ed Thigpen、Thad Jones和Kenny Drew都宣称哥本哈根是其家园所在。他们中的每一位都曾深受丹麦爵士乐大环境的影响,尤其是同期的著名爵士乐俱乐部Jazzhus Montmartre。同时,丹麦的一些杰出音乐家也在寻求向国际音乐舞台的突破,Alex Riel、Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen和Palle Mikkelborg就是其中代表人物。

乐迷和游客可以随时在露天舞台免费欣赏现场表演,这些舞台的选址全部在市中心区。众所周知,哥本哈根有为数众多的咖啡馆和音乐演出场所,在音乐节期间,它们全都会成为爵士乐的舞台,从而创造出笼罩全城的迷人爵士氛围;彼时的哥本哈根,从早到晚,无论走到何处,耳畔都会响起爵士乐。正如哥本哈根爵士音乐节总监Signe Lopdrup所说,“人们不仅可以期待一次精彩的音乐体验,还可以感受音乐节期间哥本哈根城市中弥漫的爵士乐氛围”。

Thurston Moore & Mats Gustafsson @ Jazzhouse - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Thurston Moore & Mats Gustafsson @ Jazzhouse - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

作为听众,你可以到皇家剧院,哥本哈根歌剧院和Jean Nouvel的世界顶级建筑Koncerthus中欣赏一场同为世界顶级的爵士乐表演;也可以到码头地区,跳到清凉的河水中欣赏丹麦和国际流行爵士乐。“Something Else”是哥本哈根爵士音乐节的另一个亮点,作为该计划的一部分,爵士乐和其他音乐的跨界表演将在乐手们的演绎下不断推陈出新。哥本哈根爵士音乐节也有针对孩子们的活动——“儿童爵士音乐节”。每年夏天,哥本哈根东部的公园中都会吸引数以千计的孩子们和家长,他们能在活动中欣赏现场爵士乐演出,观看马戏表演、参与绘画讲座和歌唱等一系列趣味活动。


Dørge Becker Carlsen Det Kongelige Haveselskabe - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Dørge Becker Carlsen Det Kongelige Haveselskabe - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Every single summer since 1979 Copenhagen Jazz Festival has been taking over Copenhagen as one of Europe’s most important international music events based on eminent artistic quality and a sharp focus on new departures in both Danish and international jazz.

Lasting 10 days, the festival envelops the Danish capital, offering a sumptuous musical feast to the 250,000 guests who join us year after year. Enjoying live jazz on the city’s streets, in its clubs cafés and concert halls, and at open-air night venues – all in the very heart of historical Copenhagen.

Frederiksber Brandstation DJ Static - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Frederiksber Brandstation DJ Static - Photo: Kristoffer Juel Poulsen

Copenhagen’s legendary status as one of the jazz capitals of Europe grew in the 1950s and 1960s, when a whole host of leading American jazz icons had their creative base in the city. Among those who have called Copenhagen home are Dexter Gordon, Stan Getz, Ben Webster, Stuff Smith, Ed Thigpen, Thad Jones and Kenny Drew. Each and every one of them has drawn inspiration from Denmark’s jazz scene and the era’s most important jazz club: Jazzhus Montmartre. This was also the time when some of Denmark’s best musicians had their international breakthrough, musicians like Alex Riel, Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen and Palle Mikkelborg.

Copenhagen’s unique jazz history is a key factor in the exceptionally high level of the Copenhagen Jazz Festival, something that can be experienced at the many free open-air stages strategically located throughout the historical city centre. Together with Copenhagen’s record number of cafés and music venues, these stagers create a unique atmosphere, bringing the city alive with jazz from early morning to late at night.People don’t only come for a fantastic musical experience, but for the unique atmosphere throughout Copenhagen when jazz takes over the city.

The Thing @ "21st Century Jazz", Skuespilhuset

The Thing @ "21st Century Jazz", Skuespilhuset

The festival audience can listen to top international jazz names at the stunning Royal Theatre, Copenhagen’s Opera House and Jean Nouvel’s architectural world-class Koncerthus – as well as along the harbour front, where they can take a dip in the clear waters to the sounds of Danish and international jazz. Copenhagen Jazz Festival also proudly presents music at the border of jazz and other genres as part of the programme ‘Something Else’. And everyone’s welcome to take their kids to the beautiful parks to the east of the city where thousands of children and their parents flock every summer to enjoy a packed programme of live jazz, circus, painting workshops and singing – all part of the ‘Jazz for Kids’ festival programme.

Copenhagen Jazz Festival takes a pride in reaching many – and new – audiences, with tailor-made programmes for pensioners and teenagers, kids and their families, as well as catering for jazz aficionados and enthusiasts. Visitors can look forward to Copenhagen as a friendly and creative city where it’s safe to wander around accompanied by jazz night and day. A modern and open-minded metropolis that can be experienced at its very best during Copenhagen Jazz Festival.

Osgood Cardinaux Morgan @ ILK / 5E

Osgood Cardinaux Morgan @ ILK / 5E
